The challenge
In a crowded industry, Andrea Hawkes Bridal wanted to stand out as a fresh and contemporary designer that understood the modern bride. Andrea's design style is clean and sharp, and needed to expressed in her visual identity.
The approach
Focusing on an editorial, clean and contemporary art direction, the brand was designed to stand out amongst the competition. Avoiding classical bridal images in favour of a brand that feels like it belongs in the present.
A wordmark reflective of the designer
A custom wordmark was created to reflect Andrea's style and the modern bride.
Taking a classic British typeface and retaining the clean and modern lines of the sans serif. While customising it with added curves to create a softer and more elegant design.
Collections with their own identity
With each new year, comes a new collection. Our goal was to give each collection
 their own look and feel. A prime opportunity to play with typography, branding and
new photographic styles.
Celebrating ten years of British bridal design
Ten years was a huge milestone for Andrea Hawkes Bridal. To celebrate, a campaign was produced across social media and within the showroom, to highlight the achievement and some of the best dresses from the past ten years.
A custom number 10 logo was created to be used across all campaign material.
Occassion wear with colour
Andrea Hawkes also designs elegant occasion wear and wanted an identity
that reflected the colourful energy of the clothing and the occasion's they maybe used for.
A custom word marque was created to capture the glamour. While the visuals crop in on the materials and flood the designs with bold colour and texture.
A website that promotes dress design
The goal for the website was to hero the modern and elegant dress
design from Andrea Hawkes. Placing a big emphasis on photography,
each collection has it own space to shine.
2016-2022 website
Current website

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